Special Kids they think different then we do.
Counters by Wry/Ravenstar |
Since I like to read and have lots of patience I volunteered in Mr. O'Connor's special education reading program. Every Wed for two hours was reading period. I would read to the class, or one of the kids would read to me, or I would read to them, they could read to the class or there was a private reading room so they could read alone. That's where i met Ryan . He wasn't big on reading . He talks awful slow but he sure loves math. He wrote in his journal math makes me happy. One day I came at the end of math period I asked Ryan why aren't you doing your math. I know the answer says Ryan. Ok what 6 plus 6 12 says Ryan . What 6 times 6 36 says Ryan. 5times 5 25 oh my gosh the faster i threw questions at Ryan the fast he threw answers at me. Who has a calculator ok ok. Hey Ryan what is 50 times 25 one thousand two hundred and fifty says Ryan OH my gosh says I. Ryan graduated this year from grade 12 at western Canada high school . I cried as he went to get his diploma. I cried harder when I heard he won a scholarship to the University of Calgary's pur math program. Math makes him happy.
Aaron I read Aarons file it says he has trouble reading, mispronounces letters mixes up sentences and does not understand what he reads. It also say Aaron has a nasty temper. All is true. Aaron usually mixes up the j and the y the v and the w. He makes strange sentences to sometimes he puts the verb at the end. I am shopping went? One day he threw the little Bunny at me. Aaron was a fan of science fiction. Aaron would mostly go to the private reading room. One day I asked what are you reading. Lord of the Rings said Aaron. Would you like me to read you some Lord of the Rings says I one day. If you can says Aaron with a big smirk. Reading time Aaron says Do you still want to read to me? Well sure I do? He handed me Der Herr der Ringe. German says I Yup it is says Aaron. It was then discovered that I mispronounced letters, didn't' understand everything I read and verbs go at the end of the sentence in the past tense. You can read this Aaron say I. Its a bit too easy for me say Aaron in Germany I was reading things more difficult. I used to be Gerhard says Aaron. Next Aaron volunteered to read Worfs big Adventure to the class. He read it perfectly without mispronouncing a single word. When the teacher congratulated him . He says but who is right how I say the j or how you say the j?
Jessica always has a black eye or bruises but she looks at things different then other people. She likes to write poetry. On day Jessica had a big black eye. Guess what says Jessica. I saw a butterfly on the way to school. I turned away as tears fell down my face.
Are you sad says Jessica would you like one of my cookies, they are chocolate. I like chocolate cookies.