Counters by Wry/Ravenstar |
Ulrike was my best friend when I was a kid. Every Sunday I would visit Ulrike or she would visit me. She always had such good manners. This convinced my father to teach me some manners. now says my dad, I want to teach you some manners. Ok says I. Now you must address Ulrike's parents as Herr and Frau. Never ever say Du to Ulrike's parents. It is always Sie. It is Ja bitte if you want something, nein danke if you don't. also entschuldige mir bitte to be excused. Ulrike's father was very impressed with my good manners and told my father so.
Some times we would climb the apple tree and get some apples.
Ulrike was always very sensitive. One day my mother gave me 2 dollars and asked if I want to go to the Saturday matinee and see the Sound of Music. Oh boy do I? Mom said I can take a friend. Can I take Ulrike ? Sure says mom if her father gives her permission. My mom phoned Ulrike's father. He said she could go. Ulrike's mother did not speak English. My mother did not speak German. For days we were singing about the warm woolen mittens and the whiskers on kittens.
War days at school always put a strain on our friendship.
Sometimes the teacher would bring in the projector. It was one of them old ones with the reels that turn. That can only mean one thing. Nazi movies. this was pretty violent stuff for us kids. I hate Nazi movies. Sometimes as the teacher was setting up the projector I would blow a big fart. The whole class would laugh and I would have to stand outside then I wouldn't have to watch the movie. We were at the part when the Gestapo was machine gunning down a bunch of people. I looked over at Ulrike. Tears where running down her face. What's the matter Ulrike? I hate the Germans she said and I hate being one. Shhhhh said the teacher. If you two can't be quiet and watch the movie one of you will have to stand outside. I will stand outside said Ulrike. She went to the back got her coat and went outside. After the movie was over the teacher said I could go outside and get Ulrike. She quietly got up and went inside. Her eyes were all red.
One day a war veteran came to talk to us. He told us about fire bombing a school. I looked at Ulrike and she had tears running down her face. Now listen Ulrike if they bombed our school I wouldn't care because they would just send us to a different school. There are children inside that school said Ulrike. Oh I didn't think of that so I asked. They were just Germans said our hero. (That wasn't the actual word he used)
All the way home Ulrike never said a word to me . When we got to her house , her mother made us some homemade bread. Ulrike picked up the knife and ran the blade across her finger. Blood ran down . I picked up the knife and ran it across my finger. Blood ran down. Then we squished our finger together. I solemnly promise said Ulrike never to do nothing bad to you so long as I may live. Now you have to promise me in German says Ulrike . Ok says I . Now says Ulrike for ever and ever there will be 1 drop of your blood in me and one drop of my blood in you.
It wasn't long after that Ulrike's house burned down and a very polite but quieter Ulrike moved in with us.
Years have passed since we were kids but if you look close at the top of my first finger you will see a little scar